The New Knighthood
Malcolm Barber
Not Available
The Two Cultures
C P Snow
An Experiment in Criticism
C S Lewis
Quantum Physics, Illusion or Reality?
Alastair I M Rae
The Trial of the Templars
What Was History?
Anthony Princeton University and 1 more
The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe
Elizabeth L Eisenstein
Medieval Women
Eileen Power
The Theft of History
Jack Goody
The British Isles
Hugh Kearney
The Golem
H M Collins and 1 more
On Space and Time
Shahn Majid and 5 more
The Dating Game
Cherry Lewis
The Conquests of Alexander the Great
Waldemar University of Calgary Heckel
What Is Life?
Erwin Schrödinger and 1 more
A Mathematician's Apology
G H Hardy and 1 more
The Invention of Tradition
E J Hobsbawm and 1 more
The Discarded Image
Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older
Douwe Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and 1 more
Two Cultures?
F R Leavis and 1 more
Studies in Words
The Allegory of Love
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Spenser's Images of Life
C S Lewis and 1 more
Selected Literary Essays
Image and Imagination
Something of Myself and Other Autobiographical Writings
Rudyard Kipling
Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning
Jay Pembroke College and 1 more
The Decipherment of Linear B
John Chadwick
The Golem at Large
Harry University of Bath Collins and 2 more
Inga La Trobe University and 1 more
Information and the Nature of Reality
Matter and Information What is Ultimate Symposium God
The Spanish Labyrinth
Gerald Brenan
Nature and the Greeks
Erwin Schrödinger
Making a New Deal
Lizabeth Harvard University and 1 more
Walter Moore
The Life of Isaac Newton
Richard S Westfall